Asynchronous call with AngularJs and Spring

2:22 AM Hendry 0 Comments

UI first, content later!

This tutorial is intended to demonstrate an asynchronous call using AngularJs and Spring MVC project.

In order to perform an asynchronous service call, we will use AngularJs ajax http.Post method to call backends (such as SOAP/REST services or Database), and it will also map the data returned from controller to each field on the View.

Include AngularJS in Spring MVC Project
1. Download AngularJS
2. Include AngularJS javascript files under your resources folder and jsp. How to include resource files in Spring project

Asynchronous Call
Spring MVC consists of Model, View, and Controller, however AngularJs covers the View only.

View and Controller

According to the picture above, it describes as the following

1. Spring View handles the page redirection using http.Get from the View. For example when the webpage url is called

2. Spring Controller returns the requested view name, and thus web page will render.

 @RequestMapping(value = "/webpage1", method = RequestMethod.GET) 
public String index() {               
     return "webpage1"; 

3. Asynchronously, AngularJs Ajax http.Post will be executed when the page is rendering its content. See AngularJS tutorial and documentation ( )  and

For example,
<script type="text/javascript" src"<c:url value="/resources/js/angular.min.js" />"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('customersCtrl'function($scope, $http) {
  $"getSRDetails.htm", { ticketNumber : "1004406487" })
          function (response) {
                $scope.srdetails = response;

8. In the Controller, we should have code as the following to capture request from the View. Assume we get the values from backend service, then we need to convert the list of values into JSON format before we send it back to the view.

@RequestMapping(value = "/getSRDetails.htm", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody
String GetSRDetails(@RequestBody Map requestthrows JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException, IOException {

       List<SRConversationDetail> sRConversationDetails = 
                 serviceRequestFacade.retrieveSRDetails(request.get("ticketNumber").toString());"Service Request details size "sRConversationDetails.size());
       ObjectMapper converter = new ObjectMapper();"Service Request details converted: "sRConversationDetails);
       return converter.writeValueAsString(sRConversationDetails);


*@RequestBody since request param data sent through request body http POST method. *Use Map data type because the request param is in JSON format

In result, browser will render webpage1.jsp and display contents from Ajax http.Post method by calling /getSRDetails.htm. 

for more detail on the entire design see the next post

AngularJS Documentation